FryDay Tears

Every Friday, Jeffrey Fry sends out FryDay humor to his email list. It always makes me laugh, sometimes pretty hard.

Almost every Friday, I used to forward that email to my Dad, imagining him laughing. He forwarded me funny emails, too.

I didn’t know he’d stopped reading those emails awhile ago. And I didn’t know I wasn’t going to be emailing him anymore until I walked in the door and saw how bad he was in May.

I miss forwarding these to my Dad. I miss emailing my Dad. I miss my Dad.

Now every Friday I still read Jeffrey’s email. But some of those tears aren’t from laughing anymore.

~ cj 2012.06.15

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4 Responses to FryDay Tears

  1. Steve says:

    Love this poem CJ. Anyone who reads it can feel your pain. Just try & remember the happy Frydays too.

    • cjromb says:

      I definitely remember the Happy Fridays, Steve. 🙂 My Dad had a great sense of humor til the end.

  2. Jeffrey Harris says:

    You can still live through the FryDay posts. Your Dad wil still enjoy them. You will just have to read them aloud. You got it CJ!

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