Knock, Knock

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
It’s me;
You know who I am.

How are you?
Are you alone
and may I come in?
It’s chilly outside
and your heart is so warm.

Our lives are scattered
with beautiful moments
when the answer has
been yes, for a minute.
We sneak in
bringing love
and our friendship
in too.

But soon it’s time to go,
and we leave, aching
our hearts bleeding a bit.

A sweet memory lives on
in our minds.
Not much else to hold onto
as the door clicks closed
gently behind us.

We walk down our paths
leaving years slip between us
before we can visit again.

We’ve never been home
completely alone
at the same moment.
Truth is, I’ve never called
when you were,
Or surely I would have
rushed home to live there
with you.

Perhaps we’re not meant
to be home together.
Maybe every day stuck
in our life’s house together
would make us want to slam the door
in each others face,
instead of our lives
being filled with loving
Knock, knocks.
Who’s there?

It’s me; it always is
and you love
who I am.

How are you?
Are you alone,
And may I come in?
Of course, and please do.

It’s chilly out here,
And your heart is so warm.

~ cj. 2011.09.16

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2 Responses to Knock, Knock

  1. Nikki Stair says:

    Beautiful lovely! Vulnerable, loving, a bit sad, but accepting… You are a word wizard…hugs!

  2. Jeffrey Harris says:

    This is so very True CJ!
    Thanks again for sharing you feelings with us.
    I always like reading your work!


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