
A beautiful fire
that burned sweet
and warm in my heart

with hate and blame

nasty flames

burning my skin
my soul

So hot it blistered
every inch of me
peeling my bark
exposing the core of me

leaving me standing alone
parched and dying of thirst
I can’t eat
I can’t drink

no one sees it start
no one stops what they’re doing
they just drive by
without realizing the death
and destruction about
to ruin my world

no one listens to me
cry out with all the
pain I can possibly feel

all I can do is scream
and scream
and scream

while I painfully scorch
while I hopelessly burn
while I helplessly watch
everything around me
everything I love
all I hold dear
all I want
all I am
all my life
go down in flames.

no one comes to save me

I can not escape
no matter how loud
I scream.

~ cj 2012.03.27

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