
Every spring
for many years now,
a red cardinal I call Thud
shows up on my back deck.

He perches on a chair
or an empty pot,
stares for awhile,
as if thinking…

…and then relentlessly
and repeatedly
slams into my windows
looking for his mate
or getting mad at himself.

I’m never sure which,
but until he gives up
and flies off,
it’s quite the conflict
to watch…
chirping, maybe singing,
while scaring himself into
shitting all over my deck.

I hope he finds
what he’s seeking,
forgives his failings
or lets go of his fear,
so he can continue chirping,
maybe singing
without being so afraid.

~ cj 2012.04.02

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2 Responses to Thud

  1. Doug says:

    Thud used to live at my house. I never knew if he or my window would survive the spring, but, amazingly, both did. I’m glad to know he’s still up to his old tricks at your place.


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