
halfway between last night and tomorrow is my dream
dying to tell me some truth about my life
that’s too painful to come straight out and admit
speaking in symbols and metaphors
working hard to drive home the point
of my foolishness, sadness, stupidity
gripping me tight by my bony wrist
until there’s no twisting away from my pain
forcing me to take at least a glance
and many times a long hard look
toward where I really live in my heart.
my eyes are shut tight but that doesn’t stop
the images from burning through
from the inside of my eyes where they live
there will be no filtering them away
my only salvation when the image becomes too clear
that it makes my heart ache and scream
is that my dream, when it knows I can bear no more
releases me, hurling me into tomorrow
with a venomous start
leaving me to consider that same pain
with my eyes wide open
the meaning of the symbols and metaphors
focused twenty-twenty in the morning sunrise
welcoming me to the truth of my day.

~ cj 2003.03.24

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