
I walked in this room today,
to find you just

Each thing you last touched,
everywhere you last moved,
the spot where you last
laid your head down
for a moment of rest,
and some peace…

It all still remains
bearing witness
to your previous presence
while you’re

The air you once breathed
now sucks the life from my lungs
as I look around at our
dreams not come true.

We relentlessly killed
each dream
and each other
with fear.

False stable of wishing and
a life full of hope
are still palpable
in these walls
even now with you

You did as I asked.
You moved on
when I thought it best
for you to be

But now
when I talk to you,
you seem easily empty of us,
ok with our fate,
filled with glad to be

while I remain here
dying from stale air and
dead dreams
that, like you, are now

Perhaps I wanted you to fight
just a bit more,
clinging with me
to those
false, fated dreams
so I wouldn’t have the air
sucked out of my lungs
when I walk in this room
and find you just

~ cj 2011.08.02

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4 Responses to Gone

  1. Karen Schertz says:

    Sad, but meaningful as always. Love the way you put things into words. Wondering if you left out a word – was it supposed to say you did AS I asked? (Still can’t get onto FB, but saw the notification, and wanted to read your poem.)

    • cjromb says:

      Ah, you were right! I was missing a word. I changed the line after that as well. I didn’t want asked in there twice.

      I texted a part of this to someone….and his reaction was that maybe I should try to be positive about all this. I tried to explain that standing in the dark, in the pain, isn’t a bad thing. I process it, get it out of me, so something brighter can live inside. 🙂

      So don’t worry about me in my moment of brief sadness….In case you were.

      And thank you for reading my stuff. It makes my heart smile every single time.

  2. Suzanne mann says:

    The most meaningful songs and poetry are from raw exposed emotion. Keep up the good work!!!! I love CJ!!!!!

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