What I Love About Poetry

What I love about poetry
is that I can use any words
in any way I choose
without regard to anybody else’s

These words are freely available
for me to lay about
in any shape
on any surface
with any other words
in any space I love.

The words I choose
and how they flow
are the precious tools
I can use to paint
the gift of any truth
that’s made a case
compelling enough for
me to tell.

That’s what I love about poetry.

~ cj 2012.10.03

A week or so ago, I went to a marketing seminar where a story teller asked, “What is poetry?” I’ve been thinking about this question and for now, my answer is that it’s words organized with rhythm meant to paint a compelling picture for the poet and anyone else who can hear that music, too.

While I was pondering this question today, in barely a minute, I wrote this piece about why I love poetry.

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